Reflective ink is a Water-based inks formulated for direct printing on textiles. The base is combined with aluminum-coated glass beads to produce a highly reflective ink. This base is non-pigmented/noncolored. It is a ready colored ink. We have Reflective ink for Direct Printing and Reflective Sheets which is for Transfer printing.                                            These Reflective inks are made up of a carrier base and small reflective glass beads. 

    Always stir the ink thoroughly before printing. Stirring the ink distributes the beads more evenly throughout the carrier before the design is printed. One flood coat and one squeegee print will generally yield the most reflectivity. Printing in this manner will allow the base coat to settle into the fabric, leaving the reflective particles on top where they can catch the light. Multiple print strokes will lay down too much of the base and the reflective beads won’t sit on top of the fabric evenly or catch the light properly.
  • MESH
    Mesh count from 32 T (80 Nylon) is highly recommended. Using a mesh count that’s too fine will strain the reflective particles from the carrier base. Less reflective beads mean less reflectivity. It’ll also result in a mesh that’s clogged with reflective beads.
    75 durometer or triple durometer 70/90/70 Squeegee blade Sharp, straight edge
    Curing is to be done at 340-350 F (171-177 C) for the entire film